My Faves!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ashley made me...

Remember those surveys that you used to fill out when you were in middle school? I still fill them out. haha

1. Where is your cell phone? floor
2. Your significant other? haha
3. Your hair? wet
4. Your mother? home
5. Your father?
6. Your favorite thing? hanging out with people. I know- I'm hard to please. hahaha
7. Your dream last night? tylenol pm
8. Your favorite drink? diet coke
9. Your dream/goal? love
10. The room you're in? languagecorps
11. Your fear? pattaya men
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? I don't even know where I want to be next year. haha
13. Where were you last night? Bangkok, drinking margs
14. What you're not? decisive
15. Muffins/donuts? muffins, blueberry
16. One of your wish list items? moving
17. Where you grew up? Texas
18. The last thing you did? buy grilled bananas
19. What are you wearing? tank top
20. Your TV? music channel
21. Your pet? zoey
22. Your computer? on
23. Your life? soap opera
24. Your mood? giggly
25. Missing someone? always
26. Favorite pastime? sleeping, haha
27. Something you're not wearing? pants, hahahaha
28. Favorite Store? target
29. Your summer? long :)
30. Your favorite color? green
31. When is the last time you laughed? when I said I wasn't wearing pants, hahahaha
32. Last time you cried? wednesday
33. Who will re-post this? i don't know
34. Four places I go over and over? 7-eleven, market, beach road, uhhhh back to the market, hahaha
35.Four people who e-mail me? mom, Ashley, Anna, languagecorps, It's hard to pick just four. I get a lot of emails. haha I love the emails. Keep 'em comin'. They really brighten up my days.
36. Four of my favorite foods? som tum, grilled bananas, buns, oreos
37. Four places I would like to be right now? Amazon, Greece, New Zealand, Vietnam
38. Four people I tag? meh- I don't really feel like it. hahaha

Highlights from the week-
*seeing my class' costumes for the Christmas show (details about them later, hahahaha)
*eating a taro pie from McDonald's
*seeing Twilight
*drinking margaritas at a jazz bar
*generally just relaxing in Bangkok


Kelli said...

maybe you shouldn't tell people you aren't wearing pants!!! Ha Ha Only a little while longer and you will get to move to Bangkok. Yippee! I hope we get to talk soon. Love you, MOM XOXO

Ashley said...

hahahha! NO pants! wow! :) Aww I'm glad you did it! miss you!