I'm in China! The past week has reminded me a lot of Voyager, which is pretty dorky. Voyager is reading program (a reading program that I don't like very much, haha) that Parkdale used last year. I told you that it was very dorky. haha But anyways, in Voyager they read all these stories throughout the whole year where the characters ride rivers throughout the world and travel. Seeing as how I've rafted on a river and traveled to a different part of the world this week, it makes sense that I have felt like I am part of Voyager. haha
I got here Friday night and then Saturday morning my dad and I went with some people from his work on a day rafting trip. It was a long Chinese day. haha We woke up early, got on a bus, took a long ride and stopped to go for a hike up a mountain. On the way up the mountain we stopped and walked into a temple. I had never been into a temple before so it was interesting. They were setting off fireworks to scare away evil spirits and they had large bottles full of alcohol to give to the gods. It was interesting. After the hike, we ate lunch. It was Chinese. That's all I can say about it. haha Chinese food isn't like Pei Wei... haha You just have to
be very careful of what you eat, if you find a good place, then it is great. This place was outside under a tent and they prepared the food on the concrete that I had just walked on... Then we got back on the bus and took a long drive to the river. Rafting was a lot of fun. We had to suit up in helmets and life jackets. My dad and I were in a raft by ourselves and we went down 7 little waterfalls. My dad fell out of the boat on the first fall and I thought he had drowned. For a minute there, it was very scary, but then we got back in the boat. The boat completely flipped over on the last fall and two guys had to jump in fish us both out of the water. It wasn't as scary that time. I think it's because I didn't have to watch it. haha
My dad had to work a couple days at the beginning of the week, which was good with me. I was tired. haha Sleep means a lot to me. haha So, I spent my time doing a lot of walking around and exploring a little bit, reading "Twilight" (which I finished and I really enjoyed, but I still like Harry Potter much better, haha), and studying some Thai phrases (which I'm not very good at.)
On Wedne
sday, my dad and I went to a place called Window of the World. It's basically an amusement park of miniature landmarks from all over the world. My dad and I joked that they had to build it because it's really hard for the Chinese to get a visa and they prolly can't go see the real places, but it was really cool. It was fun going around to see the places we've been, want to go, and the best part was seeing a couple places that I am going to this week, like Angkor Wat and the Grand Palace! It got me really excited! The prettiest landmark they had was Niagara Falls though, plus it was in the shade. haha It's really hot and humid here. haha Then that night we went to eat a Chinese cuisine called hot pot. So good! If you ever get the chance to try it, def do. It kinda reminded me of fondue, with a Chinese flair, and spicier. It was amazing.
Today we went to a place called Honeylake. It really wasn't what we would think of as a lake. It wasn't quite what we expected, but we wandered around town and took a good walk and had lunch. It had a pretty walking path and park and it was nice to just walk and kinda relax. I am getting to ready to go tomorrow to Bangkok tomorrow and Saturday I am off to Cambodia! I should probably go finish getting packed!